Sunday, January 5, 2020

Six Punishments For Those Who Love The Dunya Over the Akhira

Hasan Al-Basri رحمه الله said :

‎“Allah will inflict six punishments on the one who loves the dunya and chooses it over the Hereafter- three in this world and three in the next.

‎As for the three in this world,they are:

‎1. Delusion and hope in having a long lifetime that has no end.
2. Overpowering greed that leaves no contentment.
3. Taking away the sweetness of worship. 

As for the three in the Hereafter, they are:

1. The harrowing ordeal of the Day of Judgement.
2. A sever bringing to account.
3. And eternal regret.

[Preparing for The Day of Judgement, Ibn Hajar Al-Āsqalani, pg.31]