قال العلامة الشيخ ربيع حفظه الله:
"إن دعوة الإسلام ومنهج الإسلام: أن على المسلم اتباع الحق الثابت بالحجة والبرهان، لا الاتباع الأعمى للشيوخ بدون حجة وبرهان."
[مجموعة كتب ورسائل الشيخ ربيع ١٠١/١٠]
The Noble Scholar Shaykh Rabee حفظه الله stated:
"Indeed the call of Islām and the methodology of Islām is that it's upon the Muslim to follow the established truth according to the proof and evidence. There's to be no blind following of the Shuyūkh without proof and evidence."
[Majmū Kutub wa Rasā-il Ash-Shaykh Rabee 10/101]
Translated by Abu Yusuf Khaleefah
1. The cultivaton of Shaykh Rabee of the Muslim Ummah to follow the Dalīl (evidence) and not to blind follow Shuyūkh without evidence.
2. We ask those who have issue with those who follow this type of cultivation from Shaykh Rabee, is his statement "A word of truth by which falsehood is intended?!"
3. The call of Islām and the Manhaj of Islām is free from Hizbiyyah. And those who adhere to the call of Islām and its Manhaj are not upon the path of Hizbiyyah.
Source: Abu Yusuf Khaleefah via Masjid Bani Adam whatsapp group