Saturday, November 19, 2011

Speaking ill of the Companions is From the Way of the Salaf? Shaykh Rabee' Clarifies...

Question: If someone in our times speaks ill of the Companions, do we say that his speech is similar to how some of the Salaf spoke about some of the Companions?

How do we refute this doubt?

Response: The one who speaks ill of the Companions (may Allah be pleased with them all) from the past, are the Khawarij and the Rafidha.

As for the people of the Sunnah, they did not speak ill of the Companions.

As for the predecessors of this person, they are the Khawarij and the Rafidha.

But the people of the Sunnah protected and safeguarded the honor of the Companions (may Allah be pleased with them all).

'Umar ibn Abdul 'Aziz mentioned that: (the Companions) are a people that Allah protected our swords from their blood, so we must protect our tongues from their honor.

-extracted from the must read book "An Explanation of Imam Ahmad's Foundations of the Sunnah" pg 179

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